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Bunnies need vegetables for many reasons. Fresh foods are very important to a rabbit's overall health because they provide nutrients and vitamins that a rabbit wouldn't otherwise get. Different veggies also provide different tastes, textures, and moisture that helps with kidney and bladder functions.

Rabbits need unlimited amounts of hay. Grass hay is a very important part of a rabbit's diet because it provides vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber. Any type of grass hay is a good source of these nutrients and mixing up the types can also be a good idea. Bunnies should stay away from Alfalfa though because it's high in calories.​

Learn more about hay and click here!

Bunnies should be feed about quarter cup of a good quality timothy pellet per five pounds of body weight. A good pellet should have a minimum of 18% fiber.






The most important part of a rabbit's diet is water! Always provide fresh water in either a bowl or water bottle!

Learn more on what bunnies should be fed and click here!

Read suggested fruit and veggie lists!

Bunnies also enjoy treats every now and then but the kind you get at the pet store can be unhealthy and contain ingredients that rabbits really shouldn't eat. Fresh and dried fruits are both good options buy you can also make your own treats!

A Rabbit's Diet





Fresh fruits and veggies are the best types of treats to provide for your pet but you can also get dried fruits. These are sold in grocery stores and are very healthy treats for your rabbit as long as they contain no sugar! Just remember to feed treats, like a treat, sparingly! You can also make your own treats which can be fun for those who like to bake, but it might make your house a bit smelly!


A Rabbit's Diet

How to Make Homemade Rabbit Treats

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