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It's very important to brush your rabbit on a regular basis. If you've ever sat and watched your rabbit for a while, you'll notice how they like to groom themselves. This is good to keep them clean, but if they eat their own fur, serious health issues can come about. Unlike cats, bunnies are unable to throw up hair balls. Fur sits in the rabbit's stomach and grows as they eat more until the bunny begins to suffer the effects. In this situation, a vet generally has to go in and remove the hair ball from the rabbit's stomach. You should brush your rabbit weekly and daily during heavy sheddings.


It's very important to use the right brush when you are brushing your bunny. Because of their sensitive skin you have to be careful what you use. A soft bristled brush like the black edge is preferable but plastic ended bristles can also be used. ​


And remember to NEVER give your rabbit a bath unless it is advised by a rabbit savy vet. Baths can be stressful to bunnies and cause illnesses and even death.

A rabbit's nails need to be trimmed regularly because if they aren't, they can become snagged and tear. This can lead to bleeding and injury. 

The dark area in the nail is called the quick. When you trim the rabbit's nail, hold the foot still and trim just slightly above the blood vessel. We all know that accidents happen and pets don't always work with us. If you happen to cut to close to the vein, you can use corn starch or flour to stop the bleeding. 


Nail Trimming Demo

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